If you’re in the market to buy or sell a home, you know how important it is to work with a team who understands real estate and are proven experts in the Silicon Valley. In 2015, the Wall Street Journal and RIS Media recognized Eric and Janelle Boyenga as one of the top 100 husband and wife real estate teams in the US.
With over one million agents in the country, this prestigious award places Eric and Janelle as one of a of a select few Realtors in the U.S.Coming from a background in spec-housing, property development, construction, staging, marketing, as well as contract negotiation. The Boyenga team offers valuable assistance in all phases of the buying and selling process, providing you with the representation you deserve.
With Silicon Valley being the capital of technology for the world, the Boyenga Team leverages technology better than any other agent team in the area, which is why there is only one www.siliconvalleyrealestate.com!
With their state of the art marketing program, Janelle and Eric have proven time and time again not only do they yield their home sellers top dollar, but do it smooth and seamlessly time and time again. Eric, Janelle & the Boyenga Team welcome you to a free no real estate consultation whether you are buying, selling or just looking for expert advice. Call 650.252.2001 to schedule an appointment.